Step 1: Underestimating how long a renovation will take and how much it will cost happens all the time. By adding extra time and budget to your expectations you will be less likely to be unpleasantly surprised.
Step 2: While the job is taking place at your home, it will be dirty, noisy and inconvenient in every way. Try to be at home as little as possible. You can achieve this by doing things such as helping a friend out with something you promised to do a while back or getting some extra work done at the office.
Step 3: Make sure everyone is on the same page. Renovation projects have to be described in detail. Make sure everyone (especially yourself) understands exactly when the job will be completed. Answers like "a few days" are not specific enough. Confirm exactly which day they are referring to.
Step 4: During this time of temporary chaos, simplifying your life is the best way to balance it. Try to eat simple foods that are easy to prepare or even better, eat out. Try to keep your plans and commitments to a minimum and make sure they are flexible enough to cancel or postpone with short notice. Explain to those affected what your situation is and they should understand.