Case-Study: Lawrence Park, Toronto

Service Overview:

The owners of this lovely historic house at Lawrence Park contacted Bayview Projects after hearing about our exceptional workmanship from their friends. They explained to us that they wanted to maintain the beautiful historic exterior look of their home, but also wanted the interior to be modernized and more functional. With that in mind, we re-built the entire interior of the house and turned it into a gorgeous open concept home. Everything from the plumbing to the layout of the home, including the kitchen, living room, bedrooms and bathroom were completely redone. The owners of this wonderful home are now able to enjoy every room with modern amenities and functionality while still being able to enjoy the historic look that the house showcases on the exterior.

Services offered:

  • Complete house gut-out
  • Converted the home into an open concept style
  • Removed walls and replaced them with steel beams
  • Modernized plumbing, electrical and hardwired internet throughout the home
  • Completely redesigned the interior without sacrificing the exterior historic look

Before Photos


After Photos